
the person who lives all the time as a woman but who still functions sexually as a male when and if opportunity presents itself. Obviously, the total male psycho-sexual effectiveness of such a person would be much lower than in a normal man, thus it is indicated at 50% effective- ness. Point "2" represents the individual whose sex drive is very low to begin with but who, preferring the gender role of a woman adopts this role permanently. Such a person has little or no sexual interest in either males or females.

G. "A-SEXUAL RANGE" There are persona who simply have a very low libido--no sex drive to speak of. Such persona may be considered as asexual. This is a psychi term, however, because the anatomic equipment is pre- sent but the psychic urge to use it is missing. Such a range is shown on the chart both above and below the base line and covers all degrees of masculinity/femininity but for representational purposes extends only up to or down to the 25% level of sex effectiveness.

H. "HOMOSEXUAL RANGE": This area it will be noticed is subdivided just as the transvestic area above is. Ob- viously there are degrees and differences among homo- sexuals too. They all appear below the line because they are male-seeking males. Bisexuals in their male-seeking roles may be considered homosexual too, but they retain some degree of female-seekingness and so have to be set up as a separate class. Many homosexuals have but little effeminacy about them and they are represented in the area next to the bisexual where the masculine to feminine ratio is still high.

I. "QUEENS": As the degree of femininity increases to the right individuals appear who express it in the adoption of more and more feminine mannerisms, makeup and at- tire. These are termed "Queens". The right hand boundary of this range is dotted to indicate that there is no termi- nation of this group in increasing feminity. However, this group overlaps with two other types.

J-K." THE "TRANSEXUALS": These are persons who al- though male in anatomy are increasingly feminine in cutlook. They wish to destroy the vestiges of maleness in their bodies through surgery. Thus this type becomes